Monday, October 8, 2007

HW 17b:Gossip dosent matter

Response to Klein and Burstein's Blog!:

I found Zuniga's blog to be more informative. While I was reading each of their interviews I found Zuniga's to be the best blog for following the upcoming election. Zuniga's blog was also efficient and gave topics on what he believed, and then he allowed others to share their opinions. I felt that Cox's blog was geared more toward gossip and sex scandals. Don't get me wrong, these are interesting blogs, but how can they really give us the information that we need to follow an important election? I can see how someone might say Cox's blog posts would give more background information on the potential candidate, but my interest is geared more toward what they stand for not what they do in their spare time. I also connected a little more with Zuniga's because he shared democratic views. I'm not a democrat I honestly am not sure what political party I belong to. However, I did grow up listening to my parents who are democrats, and he shares similar views as they do which I can relate to in a way. Zuniga's blog touched on real issues that the country is struggling with. He is against war, which is such a huge controversy in our country now. His opinions on his posts allow people to get their point across on the issue as well. From his interview I gathered that he seemed like a really knowledgeable person. When following something as serious as politics I believe it is important to receive concrete information from the source. Cox's information was accurate but not vital in the whole picture. Zuniga's blog interested me and I found it very helpful to know what type of issues we need to be focusing on throughout the upcoming election.

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